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Sábado, 05.11.11

Angola – potência regional em emergência


No dia 15 de Novembro, pelas 18;00 horas, vai ser apresentado por Mário P. Andrade, reitor da Universidade Lusíada de Angola, o livro de Eugénio Costa Almeida - "Angola – potência regional em emergência". A apresentação vai realizar-se no ISCTE, sala B204 (ed. II) e é organizada pela Colibri, CEA e Casa de Angola.
Aqui fica o convite para os leitores da ma-schamba!AL

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por AL às 15:23

Quinta-feira, 06.10.11

Ainda sobre identidade(s)

We had not been prepared to find the cosmologies of our universe so skewed. In California, where I was obsessed with Middle East politics and he was obsessed with the Iranian national soccer team, we had assumed, here, in this country where people could pronounce our names, our world would expand. Instead, we felt constricted, Everywhere, it seemed, there were barriers. Of thought and behaviour, of places and time. And most dizzying of all, a culture of transgression that could only be learned through firsthand experience. For women, these were eternal limits on dress and comportment, but they could be flouted easily - in the right neighbourhood, at the right time of the day or night, in the right way. Young people also faced endless prohibitions, but these too could be circumvented, with the right verbal pretexts, at the right time, in the right places.Ignorance of this culture made you a victim, marooned at home with bad Islamic television. Knowing how to navigate its rules gave you freedom, to choose a lifestyle as sedentary or riotous as you pleased. As newcomers, Daria and I were familiar with a simple, American sort of freedom. Confronted with an oppressive system, we instinctively viewed the Iranians around us as victims, because armed with only our knowledge of California highways and the mall, we had not the slightest idea how to exercise freedom, Tehran-style. We couldn't conceive of a life where you forcibly took your rights, through adept arguments and heaps of attitude. Where you lived "as if" the rules didn't exist, and took the skirmishes for granted. And so it felt that in Tehran, even the sky shrank, the streets twined in mazes and the whole of existed retreated under imposing barriers.Life in America came with its own frontiers, but they were familiar, and from the vantage point of Tehran, seemed more subtle, more bearable... The barriers here were overwhelming, in your face, physical and visual. There were walls and partitions, dour billboards and angy-looking pasdars[guardas da moral e costume],around all the time to enforce them ... In America, I hadn't learned really to scale the barriers. They were political and amorphous, and often I felt they only existed only in my head, that I created and carted them about myself. For now, these Iranian barriers frightened me. They produced incessant confrontations between people itching to scream at one another, escalate, and let loose the brew of anger and resentment inside.

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

por AL às 12:47

Sexta-feira, 23.09.11

Mundos que flutuam

 Mão amiga mostrou-me hoje um livro lindo. Chama-se Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter F. Neumeyer e é uma compilação da correspondência entre Gorey e Neumeyer.Edward Gorey, talvez mais conhecido como ilustrador do macabro, colaborou em 1968/1969 em três livros infantis de Peter F. Neumeyer: Donald Has a Difficulty, Donald and The … e Why We Have Day and Night.O livro resultante desta correspondência é interessante não só pelas ilustrações com que Gorey enfeitava cartas e envelopes, mas também pela prosa introspectiva e pela variedade de tópicos que aborda – da vida dos insectos à arte no Japão. Podem dar uma espreitadela ao livro aqui e encomendá-lo aqui. Vale a pena! AL

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

por AL às 00:03

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